Ref. : Y052
Length : 1370mm
Width : 630mm
Height : 820mm
Weight : 40k
Array ( [seeprice] => 2 [iditem] => 492 [category] => PESOS LIVRES [brand] => [title] => [code] => Y052 [description] => KETTLEBELLS SUPPORT [itemwithattr] => 1 [colorpriority] => [idvat] => 1 [vat] => 23.00 [pvp2] => 344.40 [idcategory] => 11 [typepvp] => 0 [novelty] => 0 [idbrand] => [internalcode] => [video] => [highlight] => 0 [datelimitnovelty] => [composition] =>- Support with robust structure and modern design.
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- Allows you to optimize your space and organize the kettlebells.
- Oval tube structure.
- Painted steel structure (Grey color).
- Support feet with rubber pads.
- Holds up to 12 kettlebells
- Sturdy structure and very easy to assemble.
- Support with robust structure and modern design.
- Allows you to optimize your space and organize the kettlebells.
- Oval tube structure.
- Painted steel structure (Grey color).
- Support feet with rubber pads.
- Holds up to 12 kettlebells
- Sturdy structure and very easy to assemble.